Wrong Screws

Apr 24, 2016 20:26
Today, I tried to assemble a desk, but I missed eight screws.

Therefore, I went to a hardware store to buy screws.

However, I forgot to measure the exact diameter of the missing screws, and I struggled to buy which size.

Sensuously, I thought the size was 4 to 5 mm, and I bought eight screws of M4 and M5, respectively.

Since the hardware store was far from my apartment, I didn't want to go there again.

So just in case, I also bought some other screws that have different length.

Unfortunately, the diameter of the screw hole was 6 mm.

Begrudgingly, I went to the hardware store again.

I will measure with a caliper in advance.




感覚的に直径4-5 mmくらいだったと思い、M4とM5のねじを8本ずつ買いました。



残念ながら、ねじ穴の直径は6 mmでした。


No. 1 Timmy's correction
  • However, I forgot to measure the exact diameter of the missing screws, and I struggled to buy which size.
  • However, I forgot to measure the exact diameter of the missing screws, and I struggled with which size to buy.
  • I will measure with a caliper in advance.
  • This time I will measure them with a caliper in advance.
Is this a standing desk you wrote about earlier?
Thank you so much always for correcting my post!
> Is this a standing desk you wrote about earlier?
No, this is a standard desk that I was using in my previous apartment.
When I'm able to earn enough money, I will buy it, haha.
You're welcome!^_^

>When I'm able to earn enough money, I will buy it, haha.

I see. Most of the adjustable desks are really expensive.
No. 2 Kwang Ming (クアン ミン)'s correction
  • Today, I tried to assemble a desk, but I missed eight screws.
  • Today, I tried to assemble a desk, but I was missing eight screws.
     -ing form needed to give a sense of an ongoing action
  • Therefore, I went to a hardware store to buy screws.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, I forgot to measure the exact diameter of the missing screws, and I struggled to buy which size.
  • However, I forgot to measure the exact diameter of the missing screws, and I ended up struggling with which size to buy.
     Gives a better sense of the action
  • Sensuously, I thought the size was 4 to 5 mm, and I bought eight screws of M4 and M5, respectively.
  • Sensuously, I thought the size was between 4 to 5 mm, so I settled on buying eight screws of M4 and M5, respectively.
     That word you used is mostly used for its second meaning - something attractively and sexually appealing. Here, it just doesn't make sense.

    Settled on buying = more advanced but I think you can handle it.
  • Since the hardware store was far from my apartment, I didn't want to go there again.
  • I didn't want to travel again because the hardware store was far from my apartment.
     I prefer writing it this way. It's clearer.
  • So just in case, I also bought some other screws that have different length.
  • Just to be doubly sure, I also bought various screws of differing length.
     This flows better,
  • Unfortunately, the diameter of the screw hole was 6 mm.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Begrudgingly, I went to the hardware store again.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I will measure with a caliper in advance.
  • This time, I made sure to measure them with a caliper first.
     Still recalling, so I put it in the past.
A good amount of humour in your entry. Haha.
Thank you very much always for correcting my post!
And thank you for your comment (^^)